Showing posts with label apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apple. Show all posts

Friday, October 13, 2017

Apple Patents Self-Adjusting Apple Watch Bands

 Apple has quietly filled the patent for the self-adjusting Apple Watch bands

Apple has again taken every major player in the wearable gadgets market by surprise successfully securing patent for wide range of self-adjusting Apple Watch bands. As the name suggest this patent will allow the bands to tighten and loosen automatically in order to provide a perfect fit. This patent is formally called US Patent No. 9,781,984 which brings dynamic fit adjustment for wearable electronic devices and band s in question is made of leather or simple rubber materials. This patent showcase that Apple is actively looking for a new technology which allows it provides a more innovative product to the users.

Apple Watch going through the best phase


Just a month ago Apple has launched the Apple Watch Series 3 which brings the LTE support on the smartwatch for the first time. At the launch event it was announced that Apple Watch had grown by a massive 50% on year-on-year basis. This is remarkable feat for the Apple Watch as the market for wearable never really took off and for quite sometimes the sales in their area were slowing down. It would also come as a surprise that Apple Watch Series has the Apple Watch the number one watch in the world by taking the crown from Rolex which has almost surprised every critic and fan.

After the success of the iPhone, Macbook and Apple Watch, Apple has become quite repetitive in terms of design and innovation for some time which started questioning its ability to bring better design or new innovative product. This year Apple has put on the innovation hat by bringing the whole new mix of design and innovation with iPhone X leaving everyone spell bounded by its stunning design, form factor and impressive performance.

With Apple Watch Series 3 Apple brought the LTE support allowing using to take and make calls using their smartwatch. The best thing about the LTE support is that users wouldn’t have to manage a second SIM card or phone number rather Apple Watch Series will make use of the same number used by the iPhone. Now it seems Apple is innovating at a break-neck speed with the news of patent filling for the self-adjusting Apple watch bands.


New exciting way of using Apple Watch

The proposed patent has shown some new ways in which users will be able to use the Apple Watch in future. The self-adjusting Apple Watch bands when this patent is implemented on it then the band will be able to expand or contract with electric signals. This band will come with a shape memory wire running through it allowing it to know when to expand and contract. It will also feature a fluid or gad filled bladder as well as lags which are most likely to retract right back into the watch body.

Apple has made no comments about the patents and of this information has been taken from the patent filing itself. As in the past this self-adjusting Apple Watch bands patent doesn’t mean that we will get to see the in the actual product next year.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Apple Investigates Reports of iPhone 8 ‘Splitting Open’

Splitting Open
Image Credit: Magokoro
No Software to fix Static Cracking Sound of Earpiece – iPhone 8

New reports have come up regarding problem that no software update would be capable of fixing the complaints of static cracking sound coming from the earpiece of iPhone 8 users. With the recent release of the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, two different cases have been exposed of the splitting open of the phone. An owner of the iPhone 8 Plus in Taiwan had stated that her phone had opened up, shortly after it had been kept to be charged. As per local media, Ms Wu, who had purchased her 64GB rose gold phone, Ms Wu, five days earlier, had plugged the device in her charger and three minutes thereafter the the panel towards the front area had started to bulge and had given way. She had been utilising the appropriate Apple supplied charger cable together with the adaptor during the time of charging. She had shipped over the split phone back to Apple in order that the experts could evaluate the strength of the damage and determine the cause for the same. Another report of the iPhone 8 busting open had come from Japan with Twitter user @Magokoro claiming that his phone had been broken already when he had received the same.

Unverified Rumours on Battery

The images which had been posted to Twitter seemed to portray an iPhone 8 Plus that had the front panel somewhat separated from the phone. The next day, more images of the phone had been posted portraying the damages had got even worse with the screen almost totally moved away from the body of the device. This is definitely not the first time Apple faced problems with one of their latest models. With the release of the iPhone 6 in 2014, there had been several reports that the phone had been vulnerable to bending, which resulted in the hashtag #bendgate trending on social media. As per The Next Web, there had been unverified rumours on the battery which had been utilised in the latest iPhone 8 had been built by the same company which had made the battery for Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and Samsung had to recall after various rumours of explosions.

Consistent With Swollen Battery

Some related that the damage caused to the iPhone 8 seems to be consistent with swollen battery though Apple has still to make an official announcement regarding the matter. Though some of the users have been fast in labelling these instances as #splitgate, they have probably been too quick to jump to conclusion. No visible burn marks has been located on the iPhone 8 which may provide any indication of an explosion similar to the one experienced with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. Moreover, any phone which has been manufactured as well as distributed on a massive scale would definitely include some of the defective models. One would probably not wake up to find out that the new iPhone 9 has split up, till Apple intends to resolves the issue or more cases similar to the earlier two reports, may probably come up.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Apple Releases iOS 11.0.2 Software Update

 iOS 11.0.2

iOS 11.0.2 For Fixing Crackling Sound On iPhone 8

The iOS 11.0.2 has been made available to Apple users on their iPhones, iPod touch and iPads. The iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus users experienced crackling sound during calls.

It was not clear what caused the crackling sound. The earpiece seemed to work fine even on affected iPhones, but during calls , there seemed to be a faint crackling sound, which was annoying to the users. They took to social media to report this problem and seek help. Apple confirmed the problem and said it affected a few of its users. To fix this problem, Apple has come out with iOS 11.0.2. It also fixes other minor bugs as well.

Apple did not release any betas before the iOS 11.0.2. It is the second update since it launched iOS 11 on 19th September.

The iOS 11 included additional features to the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. It included Indoor mall and airport maps, Do Not Disturb while driving, Live photos editing, multitasking features in the iPad, new files app, document scanning in notes.

The iOS 11.0.1 also aims to fix certain issues which the users have complained about. It fixed the Exchange email server problem. There improvements in performance as seen in the iMessage app Drawer, App Explorer and Springboard.

The iOS 11.0.2 is focused on fixing up the iOS 11 and iOS 11.0.1 problems. It seems to be a solution for bug fixes and improvement in performance, also including the crackling sound during phone calls.

Initially, the problem of the crackling audio was believed to be a hardware issue. Apple released the beta version of iOS 11.1 last week and the problem was resolved with a software update. In order to expidite the fixing of the bug, it released the iOS 11.0.2. The iOS 11.0.2 also fixes two other issues. The one that could cause the photos to be hidden as well as the problem where attachments in S/MIME encrypted emails would not open. It does not have any additional security content , it includes the same security from iOS 11.0

The iOS 11.0.2 is a maintenance update with a fairly big download of 278MB . It should take about a minute or two to download if you have a fast Wi-Fi network.

You need to go to the Settings app on your iPhone, click ‘General’ and then ‘Software Update’. This update can be downloaded from your computer as well. You need to plug your iPhone to the computer and go to iTunes to update. It would be safe to backup your device in case anything should go wrong. Make sure that the iCloud backups in your device settings are working or backup can be done using iTunes.

For data protection on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you need to have the iOS 11/iOS 11.0.2 . This is especially essential for those using the older versions of iOS.
In a gist
iOS 11.0.2 includes bug fixes and performance improvement in iPhones, iPads and iPod touch
  1. The crackling audio during phone calls for the iPhone8 and iPhone 8 Plus has been fixed. 
  2. It solves the problem where some photos become hidden. 
  3. The attachments in S/MIME encrypted emails would not open and this problem too is resolved.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Apple Music for Android Updated with User Profiles and Voice Support

Apple Music
Apple is now rolling out the carpets for Apple music, an app that not only can be used on apple devices such as iphones, ipads and the like but also for android users.

So now even an android user can have access to a 30-million song catalogs and radio on beats one.

Apple ID

Apple music requires an apple id to use it. This app also serves as a social media platform allowing you to connect with your friends and see what their listening to and downloading. This app is like Spotify in certain ways.

Design of the Apple music app

Apple has combined the IOS and android features in coming up with the design for the app. The app comes up with a “hamburger” menu on the left, the term so coined because of the three horizontal lines that resemble a hamburger. The different options available are For you, radio, new, connect, my music tabs and playlists.

The general app other than the menu, resembles the previous IOS apps. In that it is jam packed with albums, songs and other suggestions.

The playlists of Apple music

The playlists are just like the previous ones. They allow you to listen to your downloads, purchases and that from CDs. You can even access music that is purchased from itunes. You can also listen to music across different devices using your same id and given that you download the app across all your devices.

The connect tab allows you to follow various artists and their updates.

Beats 1 Radio

The beats one option is apple’s private radio station. This station is available night or day. The app asks you what genres and artists you like when you sign up. This allows the app to custom make their offering to you by giving you various suggestions. As of now the app does not allow for videos, but apple says they will be coming shortly.

Voice control option in Apple music

As with any IOS device, the user can always access siri. But with android devices that does not exist. Apple music makes up for that by allowing you to access any song, artist or the radio by adding support for “Ok Google” voice commands. A simple test of “Ok Google, play beats radio in apple music” will work.

Family plan pack 

As of now the app does not have a family plan pack that allows users to share a subscription. The apple music app comes with monthly subscription of $9.99 with a free three month trial period after which the amount will automatically be debited from your account.

Feed back Option in Apple music

The apple music app comes with a disclaimer that it is still in beta meaning that it is not quite done yet and may contain bugs and the occasional sluggishness. The app is only available for android devices running on 4.3 and up. The apple music app does not seem to be working on android tablets as of now.

Apple music app also gives a beta feedback option allowing the user to fill in a survey that pops open on a webpage. This allows you to let Apple know of any problems concerning the app.

The app does have its advantages though. It allows you to listen to music that can’t be found elsewhere such as Dr. Dre’s latest album and add to that the fact that now even an android user can also have access to itunes music on their phones which was otherwise not possible.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

iPhone X Puts Exclamation Point on Apple's Pricing Strategy

Last Wednesday, Tim Cook, again disguised as Steve Jobs and with the Beatles as a soundtrack, featured the 3 new iPhones of the Cupertino company. Among them, the expected iPhone X that Cook himself defined as the "smartphone of the next decade." A terminal that in hardware does not present anything new (infinite screen, facial recognition or dual camera are present in most terminals of the high range) and although the software was always the strong, the question that the market is asking is whether it will be sufficiently deferential to justify the huge price difference with its competitors and even with other terminals of the company: the iPhone X costs 250 euros more than iPhone8 and 140 more than the iPhone8 plus, also presented on Wednesday. The answer seems quite simple: it does not matter. Apple has created a product that will not be bought for its hardware or software

As much as Cook disguises himself, his Apple has nothing to do with Jobs. The one that once was a company of disruptive innovation is today a company of marketing and commercial strategy. The most daring, disruptive and innovative of iPhone X is its price; not only because it is the most expensive terminal ever launched by the company (by far), but by an international pricing policy with differences that can exceed 33%. True, this policy is not new to Apple that seems to have prices for ready and for fools in which Spain is in the second group. Buying an iPhone X in Barcelona, Madrid or Bilbao will cost 30% more than doing it in Chicago, New York or Tokyo.

This data could indicate that the iPhone X positions itself as a smartphone in certain markets (USA or Japan for example) that must compete in price with its rivals but that in other markets, what it wants to be is a product of luxury out of price elasticity laws. Apple seems determined to show that in countries like China, India, Spain or Italy the price increase does not suppose a decrease in demand; the iPhone as a paradigm of the inelastic good that economists say. In other words, Apple is convinced that a very significant part of its customers will continue to buy their products regardless of the price of these.

How to explain that the price of iPhone X in India is 30% higher than in Japan or the US when purchasing power is vastly lower? Simple. In Japan or the USA, the iPhone X is a phone for those who value their performance. In India the iPhone X is a luxury item for an audience more concerned about the alleged exclusivity of the product than for its hardware or software and for them, the price is irrelevant as long as it is high enough that only a few can afford it.

As much as Cook insists, the iPhone X will not be the phone for the next decade for most. Of course, unfortunately, a huge minority will buy it only for that, because most can not have it. Zygmunt Bauman said that, in the neoliberal economy, to consume was to invest in one's own belonging to society. For some that 1.159 euros that costs iPhone X will be an entry price to a certain group. Pure consumerist fetishism :)

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

iOS 11: The 11 Best Features of Apple New Software

iOS 11
Welcome iOS 11 and its great innovations that promise to improve the experience we have on our iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Tim Cook, chief executive of Apple, officially introduced during WWDC 2017 to iOS 11, the next version of the company's mobile operating system.

iOS 11 brings new features for iMessage, Apple Pay advances, more intelligence for Siri, new features for the camera and a new Control Center design. However, there are many more novelties that we collect below.

What's new in iOS 11 

New Control Center 

iOS 11 brings a new design for the Control Center to integrate all the tools in a single screen. In addition, this Control Center can be customized and compatible with 3D Touch, which allows enabling more control commands.

News in notifications 

Now you can slide your finger from bottom to top to see all notifications in one place on the lock screen. In addition, the Notifications panel now shows you the notifications of today and if you slide up it shows you a screen with notifications of other days. You need to swipe from the bottom edge to close the notifications panel and return to Start.

On the other hand, in the configurations you can select if you want to show notifications previews always, when unlocked or never, giving you more control.

Keyboard for one-handed use 

Hold down the emoji virtual key and select the handwriting to let the keyboard tilt to one side, similar to what different Android keyboards have offered.

iMessage in the cloud 

iMessage will now sync with iCloud to allow conversations to be synced across all your devices; so, if you delete one of the messages on your iPhone, it will be erased from your iPad.

Also, when you activate your new iPhone, your entire conversation will be rebuilt quickly.

Apple Pay to make payments between friends 

Apple Pay comes to iMessage to receive or send money to friends. The money will be stored in Apple

Pay Cash and you can use it to pay someone else or to make purchases with Apple Pay. Also, when someone asks you for money, the keyboard on your iOS device will suggest you use Apple Pay to pay.

Camera and photo optimizations 

The camera app now brings new filters that allow you to better highlight what you captured.

You can also create Live Photos loops, crop, play, and rewind a captured moment, mute, and get an extended exposure to create a drag effect.

In addition, the videos and photos will take less space, thanks to the new format HEVC and HEIF video that manages to occupy only half the space.

On the other hand, Apple will allow the depth information captured with the two cameras of the iPhone 7 Plus can be used by developers to create different effects and photos in low light can take advantage of the optical image stabilization of the cameras.

Also, now you can see Memories in portrait mode, not just horizontal.

Apple Maps are more efficient 

The Apple Maps app will be updated with iOS 11 to provide shopping and airport information.

In addition, Apple Maps will include the speed limits and will indicate which lane you must take to follow the navigation directions, similar to what Google Maps has offered for some years.

These new features of Apple Maps will only be applied in some cities and airports in the beginning but are expected to be extended to more places in the future.

New way not to distract while driving 

When you install iOS 11, you will receive the option to activate the new Do Not Disturb While Driving mode.

If activated, this new mode will detect that you are in motion and will turn off the screen and will not show you notifications. In addition, it will include an autoresponder message to indicate that you are driving, but it will show you some notifications of your favorite contacts, in which case they are emergency communications.

However, if you are not the one driving, you can activate the screen and select to deactivate that mode.

HomeKit, AirPlay 2 and Apple Music: Smart home with music AirPlay 2 lets you play music through different speakers in different rooms in your home, and you can control everything from the HomeKit app on your iOS device.

Also, Apple Music allows you to create public playlists so your friends can see it and even add their own songs.

On the other hand, Apple is opening up Apple Music so that other developers can access its catalog, including Nike and Shazam. For example, when you detect a song in Shazam you can add the song to your list of Apple Music with a single click.

New App Store

The Apple App Store, App Store, brings a completely new design.

The App Store now has different tabs including: Today, games, apps, updates and searches.

Today's tab lets you discover new apps and games, while the Featured app helps highlight popular apps and an organization in different categories.

What is more interesting is that the App Store now will show you tips and tricks of all kinds of apps and games, through video and photos.

On the other hand, Apple promises that with the new app store the company will be able to evaluate and approve apps in just 24 hours, although in many cases it could take an hour or two.

ARKit: Apple Augmented Reality

Apple is creating a new augmented reality platform directly on iOS 11. With this new tool Apple will allow developers to create all kinds of augmented reality experiences.

Core ML: The Apple Machine Learning Intelligence for Everyone

Apple is enabling machine learning so developers can take advantage of it and give their apps a little more intelligence.

Auto Setup

Did you buy a new iPhone? Just bring it closer to another device with iOS or macOS so that many of your iCloud Keychain settings, preferences and passwords are imported automatically.

File or File App: File Manager

The new Files app lets you browse, search and organize all your files.

Files not only allows you to manage files on your iPad, but also access files you have on other devices with iOS (on iCloud Drive), as well as files in services such as Box, Dropbox or Google Drive.

Siri is smarter:

Siri understands more of your life

Apple adds new intelligence to its virtual assistant, Siri, to offer suggestions for different apps. For example, if you visited a page of an event in Africa, News may suggest something related to that.

More natural language

Apple claims that in iOS 11 Siri will have a more natural language so that it sounds much more like a person of flesh and blood.

Offers translations (beta)

Siri will help you translate from English to French, Italian, German and Spanish, but hopefully in the future, it will work with more languages.

Communicate with Siri via text

iOS 11 will allow you to write to communicate with Siri with the function called "Type to Siri". Other new features in iOS 11:
  • Password autocompletion in apps
  • Changes to the Podcast app design
  • New NFC reading mode
  • New extension of fraud detection through text messages
  • QR Code Compatibility for Scanning with the Camera
  • Support for swapping Safari tabs using 3D Touch
  • Spotlight tab in Apple News lets you search for news
  • Business chat preview
  • Zoom on maps with one hand
  • Communicate through text with Siri
  • Function to record the screen
  • Status of flights in Spotlight and Safari
  • New feature for sharing files via iCloud
  • Emergency function (SOS) on the iPhone
  • HomeKit triggers based on user presence and duration
  • Wi-Fi password sharing feature from your device
  • Advanced Wi-Fi Network Analysis
  • New design to invert colors (Classic or Smart) by pressing the Start button three times
  • Family sharing plans iCloud storage
  • Settings titles, Mail, and other Apple apps are larger.
  • Additional functions for the iPad
  • New 'dock'
The new iOS 11 dock on the iPad will always be present so you can quickly access the apps that matter most to you. Although when you are using an app in full screen the dock will not be present, you can slide up to see it.

Best multi window

With the help of this new dock, you can drag an app to your screen to activate the multi-window functions in a simple way.

Support for dragging files

Although the dock is the one that allows you to drag apps to activate the multi-window functions, iOS 11 lets you drag and drop all kinds of files.

For example, now you can drag photos to an email so you can share what you want in a more intuitive way.
New App switcher or App Exchanger

The new apps exchanger now has a laptop design.


With the Apple Pencil and iOS 11 in the iPad Pro, you can write and draw in the Notes app, screenshots or PDFs (including PDF books), just like the Mail app.

Scan function

iOS 11 will allow you to scan documents to be automatically adjusted. In addition, you can fill and sign fields with the Apple Pencil.

Devices Compatible with iOS 11 

iPhone 7
iPhone 7 Plus
iPhone 6S
iPhone 6S Plus
Iphone 6
iPhone 6 Plus
iPhone SE
Iphone 5s
Second-generation 12.9-inch iPad Pro
12.9-inch first generation iPad Pro
10.5-Inch iPad Pro
9.7 inch iPad Pro
iPad Air 2
iPad Air
iPad 5th generation
iPad Mini 4
iPad Mini 3
iPad Mini 2
iPod Touch Sixth Generation

When can I upgrade my iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch to iOS 11?

The final version of iOS 11 will be available on September 19th as a free upgrade. The iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X arrive with iOS 11 the first time you turn them on.

First impression 

iOS 11 is focused on many refinements of what Apple was offering in its operating system for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, but the most interesting news will be received by the iPad. These changes make the iPad work more like a laptop, increasing the possibilities of what this device can offer. In addition, the new designs of some iOS 11 components refresh a little the experience we have in these devices.

In general, the changes are welcome and make iOS 11 feel like a more modern operating system.

Monday, September 18, 2017

How Face ID Works On iPhone X

Face ID
After months of waiting, rumors and scandalous leaks in, the iPhone X is now here. With it comes Face ID, the new method of user authentication that replaces Touch ID. The fingerprint gives way to us as an element to unlock the terminal, confirm purchases in the App Store or verify payments with Apple Pay. How exactly does this system work? is here to explain everything about Face ID in iPhone X.

Firstly, Face ID is a system that uses a front camera and an infrared camera, as well as a support light and an infrared projector. This means that the iPhone X not only sees a front camera, in two dimensions but also does a three-dimensional recognition that detects the depth of the faces, as well as the extensions between factions: distance between eyes, shape, and size of the face. nose, etc.

Face ID emits 30,000 invisible infrared dots that help rebuild the mathematical model of the face that has been built. If an unspecified quantity matches, proceed to verify the user. This is interesting because it is a high enough amount to be able to detail and leave out mismatched elements that are very easy to change in a face.

For example, if one day we put on glasses or we change the ones we already have, if we go to wearing sunglasses if we make up if we leave a beard or shave, if we wear a hat ... All these variations, according to Apple, are controlled and will not be a problem when checking with Face ID.

A processor designed for Face ID

This verification takes place in real time thanks to the new processor, Aion Bionic. It brings a neural motor that uses neural networks and machine learning to adapt to the facial variations. We discussed before and learn what changes in the face of the user to anticipate as well and to be able to carry out the verification. Face ID can reach 600,000 million operations per second while processing the images it obtains by "looking" at the face. It's specific hardware to help facial recognition system, the new cornerstone of iPhone X.

According to the tests that Apple has spoken, Face ID cannot be deceived by photos, 3D facial molds or other forms of impersonation. Although he has not specified how he will achieve the latter (depth-first), he may employ life-sensing mechanisms common in advanced facial recognition systems.

In any case, it will also require attention. That is to say, in order to unlock it, you will need to be looking at the terminal, it will not be enough to be looking at something nearby or distracted, a measure designed to prevent accidental unlocking.

Apple has also explained, according to its evidence, the probability of obtaining a false positive. That is the probability that someone other than us will be able to access the terminal. For Face ID, it is a possibility between a million. Something far superior to what the Touch ID offers (one in 50,000) and of course the four-digit PIN lock (one in 10,000, that is, each combination between 0000 and 9999).

Saturday, September 16, 2017

LTE Apple Watch 'Series 3' tipped in leaked iOS 11

iOS 11
Just before the most awaited launch event of this year, tech enthusiasts has found that upcoming Apple Watch Series will come loaded with LYE connectivity. All this was revealed from a single images which was sent to the source showcasing an Apple Watch pairing screen for iPhone. Highly smart individuals with hawk like eyes were to fin small cellular signal bars right on the watch face. To be more precise these bars appeared nothing more than few dots which gave the first indication of having the LTE capability on a smartwatch. This screenshot also showed what appeared to be complication faced by the phone and GPS apps on daily basis.

Even a month before the ultimate launch of the Apple Watch Series a number of reports has emerged in the media claiming that new smartwatch will feature the coveted cellular capability which will be utilized by the users to download songs in Music and transfer data from one device to another with pairing.

Improved display and performance

Apple has done a lot of work on making the display brighter than ever before. This simply happens to be the brightest display Apple has ever produced for its range of products. This awesomely bright display is supported by a highly improved GPU which has been developed by Imagination Technologies which have a credible record of providing ground-breaking GPUs.

Apple has brought a new chipset on the Apple Watch Series 3 which has been dubbed as S2 microprocessor. This processor happens to be 50 faster than the processor present on the original Apple Watch. This is powerful enough to deal with some of the resource consuming apps. This processor is highly energy efficient which means user will be able to use the Series 3 Watch for a whole good day on a single charge.

Apple Watch Series success rests on the LTE Capability 

Even after adding the LTE and cellular capability on the smartwatch Apple claims that this device will be able last for 18 hours. This is more than enough to get through a day’s work without any need of charging but this claim isn’t tested by the users. Apple has claimed that in order to bring cellular capability to this device they had brought a new invention which people have failed to recognise so far. Apple engineers have developed one a kind antenna which is designed to make use of the display in order to both transmit and receive signals from the device.

Apple Watch Series 3 has been successful from the moment it was shown on the huge screen due to its breakthrough design which appears to be immensely inspired by iPhone X as well. We should note that in the past a number of cellular connected watches have made their way into the market and Apple isn’t the first one in this regard but all of them failed due to their bulky and unattractive design. Thankfully Apple designed first LTE smartwatch isn’t unworthy to look upon not it is too bulky to work around with ease.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Apple Discontinues iPod Shuffle and iPod Nano


Apple strokes iPod nano and iPod shuffle

Apple has quietly thrown the iPod nano and iPod shuffle out of the program. Both MP3 players will still have it in the stationary retail, but not for much longer. Apple justified this at Bloomberg with "simplifying the iPod series".

The iPod touch has not been updated since 2015. For this, he is not so bad with 230 euros for 32 gigabytes of memory and 340 euros for 128 gigabytes of memory.

In the Apple shop, only the iPod touch is sold cheaply: With 32 and 128 gigabytes of memory for 229 and 339 euros respectively. IPod Nano and iPod Shuffle are the only remaining stocks. This makes the iPhone-like iPod Touch the only digital music player that is still officially in the Apple program.

Apple spoke of a "simplification" of his iPod offer, the other devices would no longer sell. Apple is not likely to be more valuable, so far, only original unpacked, unused iPod have significantly increased in value.

Streamed music replaces older players

Apple had introduced the first iPod in 2001, later, it was available in smaller versions with less memory and also without display. The iPod Shuffle, for example, was no bigger than a matchbox and also played songs by random.

The downside: All songs have to be played on the devices via software. Only the iPod Touch is capable of internet access - so it is the only one that remains in the assortment. The original iPod does not exist any longer.

Of course, it is not a big surprise that the last two offline players are taken off the market. Music is streamed today and is no longer held locally. You could also use this argument just for a new kind of music player: a kind of modern radio station, where music comes from the Internet, but without a screen or further interactivity would have to do. An iPod nano that is connected to the Internet and does not know the difference between cached and streamed music.

For people who would like to have the advantage of streaming music (even if it is from their own collection) and still do not want to be automatically on, that would be a good compromise. And maybe that would open up the impasse in which audio player and streaming offerings are located. The triumph of streaked music from the Internet has gradually replaced players who can not resort to appropriate services. Apple has meanwhile its own music service ("Apple Music") and is thus very successful besides providers such as Spotify and Amazon Music.

The end of the two classic music players is not quite unexpected. Apple has already said several times that the iPhone will lead to the decline of the traditional music players. The music playback software installed on the smartphone offers at least the same functions in comparison. Users also do not have to carry a second device with them.

Current devices are also to be supplied with the new iOS 11 in autumn. In contrast to the now adjusted models, they can also play videos, access the Internet and download apps. And something else makes it more attractive for Apple: With the iPod touch users get access to Apple 's own in - house and paid streaming service Apple Music.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Apple Just Leaked a Key iPhone 8 Feature by Accident


How a developer stumbled randomly over the new iPhone

A month before the official keynote of Apple, a developer stumbled over official details of the coming iPhone. The embarrassing thing: The Leak came this time from Apple itself.

When Guilherme Rambo saw the firmware of HomePod released by Apple, he initially thought of a mistake. The smart loudspeaker assistant finally comes to the market in December. Rambo's curiosity was aroused and he began to look at the code more closely. What he found, he probably expected at least: Apple's next iPhone.

While some details on Apple's high-end smartphone were already leaked, Rambo found more in the HomePod than rumors, he found Apple's own records of the greatest release in years. The code confirmed that the iPhone 8 or iPhone Pro - so exactly knows the name outside of Cupertino no one - would have a new design, a narrower frame, no home button, and a powerful facial recognition. The biggest Apple Leak comes for years - from Apple itself.

The firmware of the HomePod appeared a few days ago as an official Apple update. Rambo had just downloaded the code in the hope of finding interesting information about the Siri speaker when Apple noticed the error and took the code from the page. Like the iPhone, the HomePod runs on iOS. In itself is not noticeable, developers have access to the beta version of iOS 11 months ago. But Rambo, a Brazilian developer of an ecommerce company, made the decisive discovery: The released firmware was for iOS 11.0.2, two Update levels beyond the current state.

The code included some performance enhancements. Much more interesting, however, was that the update was not intended for the public. So Apple had not yet removed the mentions for unpublished devices - as well as the next iPhone, which will be released in September. It is a process that Apple goes through every year to ensure that developers can access iOS without experiencing anything about the new iPhone.

When he recognized the potential of his discovery, Rambo went to work. "I searched for lines in the firmware that confirm the alleged 'Face ID' feature," says Rambo. "I've searched for the word 'face' and noticed that it matches several icons in the BiometricKit, the Framework for Touch ID." These references do not actually exist in the iOS 11 beta.

Rambo was a bit big, he was safe, so he continued to search. As he walked through BiometricKit, he noticed that the terminology for adding a fingerprint ("EnrollTouchID") also had a counterpart for face recognition: EnrollPearlID. "Pearl ID" always appeared again, each time in connection with the topic of face recognition. Apple may like the face recognition to be quite different at the end, to call it "PearlID", but is not exactly a disguise tactics: "The code name makes it only easier to find all the appropriate code snippets in the operating system and see what function it has "Says Troughton-Smith. In other words, what Rambo had found was an unpublished, unannounced Apple feature.

Finding out what "Pearl ID" means, led to a much bigger find. "While I was looking for mentions of this 'Pearl ID' thing, I found a reference to Pearl-D22," says Rambo. "So I searched for D22 and discovered that this is the internal code name for the 'iPhone Pro' or 'iPhone 10'."

Although there are not very many mentions of D22, Apple leaves no doubt what the abbreviation means. How did Rambo get it? He found a file in the PassKit framework used by Wallet, named "Payment_glyph_phone-D22.caar". This is a file format in which Apple stores vector graphics for animated user interface elements. When Rambo read the picture, he saw an iPhone that he had never seen before. For the simple reason, because it does not yet exist.

Another mention of D22 resulted in a video file that was not present in the firmware, but the name "Enrollment_Tutorial_Loop-D22" indicates that it is a guide on how to register its face with Pearl ID. "There are also a few indications that the D22 model uses a new method to charge the battery," says Rambo. IOS 11.0.2 does not give any indication of what changes might be.

The extent of this leech is the biggest of its kind except for the premature debut of the iPhone 4 on Gizmodo. The minimal frame and the lack of the home button mark the biggest design change for years. And the FaceID feature seems to be a major consideration for the later presentation of the iPhone.

"Apple is now in a difficult situation," says Troughton-Smith. "It will surely cheer up many people internally that they themselves are the source of the only concrete leaks on design and functions." Apart from the disgrace, the impact on sales of the new iPhone will probably be rather small. "I believe that the people who hope for a new iPhone because of Leaks already know all the reports," says Jan Dawson, founder of the data analysis company Jackdaw Research. Dawnson notes that the revelation confirms existing rumors, but the real value is how well the new features work. A firmware has somewhere its limits.

Therefore, the biggest realization is that Apple's internal security has failed, as macOS Sierra days before the release already revealed the OLED TouchBar of the MacBook Pro. The current faux pas is even more striking. Apple expects more from the iPhone 8 than from the entire laptop line together. To see the details leak a month before the official revelation may end up causing financial damage. "We are watching an interruption in iPhone purchases, which is attributable to the increasingly frequent and early reports of future iPhones," said CEO Tim Cook in the past earnings call. This time, however, the blame hits nobody other than Apple itself.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Seeing Al: Microsoft Launches iPhone App That Narrates the World for Blind People

iPhone is known for its dynamic features and extraordinary-stylish appearance. iPhone is the smartphone which is the choice of every smart user. The whole range of applications and options it provides makes it the best amongst the bests. This time iPhone has come up with the best thing in terms of its feature out of the box. ‘Seeing Al’ is the newly launched feature in iPhone.

Microsoft has delved a kind attitude towards those who are visibly challenged. Yes, you heard it right! Microsoft has come up with an application known as Seeing Al with this app now the one who have lost their sight can experience the world around them as this application will narrate everything to its visibly impaired holder. So, now even the one who have not been blessed with the power of eyesight can see the world through their iPhone.

This app is absolutely free and is available on the iPhone’s App Store. This app is capable of defining all sorts of expressions of one’s face, currency notes and it can also portray verbally all the physical scenes till the range of the all, and the range is enough to narrate to someone what is going on in his/her surrounding. This unbelievable app can also read books or any sort inscriptions. It also has the power to scan all sorts of bar codes and provide relevant information.

This was started as a research project by Microsoft, but Microsoft has created a revolution with this invention. There are lot more things to explore from this app. This app successfully acts as the eye for those who are sightless.

Other than narrating only the physical features it can also portray verbally the images present in other art forms. But, the only limitation of the app is that at present it is only available in countries like US, Canada, New Zealand, India, Hong Kong and Singapore, in other countries its application is still at stake.

This innovative project was first initiated by a Software Engineer Saqib Shaikh at Microsoft. He propagated this idea in March 2016.

Such an idea is the result of Shaikh being crippled at his eyesight since seven years of age. This thought seemed as a fiction to him, but eventually, he was able to develop this with the support of his entire team. This project was definitely not easy to bring into reality, but he managed it with utmost dedication in his heart to help those who are unable to cherish the beauty of this world by witnessing it, the difficulties which he faced because of his inability to see provoked him to develop such an application like Seeing Al.

Now, seeing will not be an obstacle for those who are crippled in this field. Microsoft has proved that technology can do wonders and now none will be left behind. Everyone will feel themselves to be equally privileged. Seeing Al will actually eliminate the problems faced by those who have lost their eye sight.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Apple iOS 10.3.3 Is Now Available: What Is Included In This Update?

iOS 10.3.3

IOS 10.3.3: Apple released fifth beta

Can we soon expect the general rollout of iOS 10.3.3? Apple has released the fifth beta for the next update of its operating system. The increased frequency of the test versions points to the upcoming release for all users - the fourth beta was released less than a week ago. Apple has released a new version of iOS 10 with iOS 10.3.3 after a short beta, which does not bring any new functions, but closes security gaps.

Apple has released iOS 10.3.3 for owners of iPhones and iPads. The update closes security gaps of the mobile operating system. This is a maintenance update without any new functions. A total of 46 vulnerabilities are closed with the update.

A small innovation includes iOS 10.3.3 but for the iPad Pro with 12.9- and 10.5-inch display: For both tablets the update is to include new background images. Parallel to the iOS beta, Apple has also released the fifth test version of macOS 10.12.6. Also the rollout of the new version of the Mac operating system should take place in the near future for all users.

These concern the contact app that attackers can use to execute malicious code. In the core audio section, it is possible to inject and execute code with a manipulation. This also applies to the EventKitUI and IOUSBFamily, and even kernel privileges can be achieved when attacking the latter. Fixes are also available in the Messages area, in the Web browser Safari with Webkit, as well as in the print functions of the browser. Even the phone app got a security update.

Apple released all the information in detailed release notes. The update to iOS 10.3.3 can be over-the-air. It is recommended to back up the iOS device. This is also suggested by the fact that Apple's fifth beta version of iOS 10.3.3 only available for developers and then as a public beta. Thus, soon all users of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch could benefit from the improvements. As the previous versions have shown, the focus is on updating to bug fixes and increasing performance; New features will not bring the update to the compatible devices.

Those who wants, can now download the final version of iOS 10.3.3 and install it on the iPhone and iPad. The betaphase was unusually long and six iterations large.

Apple has released the next beta generation of iOS 10, which is now complete, after the final versions of macOS Sierra 10.12.5, iOS 10.3.2, tvOS 10.2.1 and watchOS 3.2.2 have appeared. In the fall iOS 11 comes on the market, which is also already tested.

Maintenance updates and security enhancements instead of new features

The update, as in the previous generation, will only fix errors and increase security. New features are not included. Probably it is the last version of iOS 10.

The vulnerabilities found are partly critical, allowing attackers to run CodeResponsive websites with Dreamweaver and bootstrap on the affected device. The update should not be deferred but installed at the next opportunity via the iOS settings.

Monday, July 24, 2017

iPhone 7s: The Most Expensive Phone in the History of Apple

New rumors about the next Apple smartphone: In addition to the expected iPhone 8, there could also be an iPhone 7s and an iPhone 7s Plus - with subtle differences.

It is the usual game in the weeks and months before the release of the latest iPhone. Professional bloggers, self-styled experts, alleged insiders and also serious media speculate how the new Apple smartphone will be, as it is said, and what features are expected.

So it's 2017 again. At the heart of the speculation is the generally expected iPhone 8 - if that is the right name. Because so far, Apple only increases the model number by a number every two years. So 2017 would actually be an iPhone 7s in the line.

But maybe there are even both? According to the specialist, referring to the Wallstreet Journal, Apple wants to bring out two other models, which are traded as "iPhone 7s" and "iPhone 7s Plus" in addition to its new flagship. Three at a time could be so in September - if that is the correct release date.

A difference between the model series could then be the display. While the iPhone 7s is based on a flexible OLED display

iPhone 7s

How does the iPhone 7s look - and what features does it bring with it? 

In fact, many indications for the new iPhone point to a new design. Apple's proprietary patents suggest, for example, that the display will be completely borderless. This means not only a larger display with the same or nearly the same overall size of the device but also that the home button could completely disappear.
The entire screen could then become a fingerprint sensor.

The release could also be possible - even speculations - but also by facial recognition. A 3D laser scanner could come into play.

According to the WSJ report, the Lightning adapter could also have some changes. The Apple may possibly replace with a USB-C connector - as it has since 2015 with Macs. This could simplify the connection of additional devices to the iPhone - but would also have the consequence that Lightning would be replaced again after five years.

Better battery in the iPhone? 

The next iPhone could get along without a charging cable. Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo from KGI Securities claims this - and with his forecasts in the past has often been correct. For the wireless, Apple would have to rework the design of the inner life of the iPhone - but this should be without great difficulty. Perhaps then also a slightly larger and thus more powerful battery on board the new iPhone would be. That Apple disciples much more frequently than other mobile phone owners are looking for a socket, is well-known.

As it is well known, in the case of (branded) products in the tech sector, the brand, as well as the patents and development costs of the manufacturer, are to a considerable degree. The pure material costs are pushed by the Far Eastern mass production. A recent evaluation shows how expensive the iPhone 7 is in production.

The analysis of the market research company IHS have looked at how expensive the new iPhone models are purely on their components and the production is reduced. The result: The iPhone 7 costs in manufacturing 219.80 dollars per unit. The iPhone 7 Plus is five dollars more expensive.

The iPhone 7 Plus is, therefore, more expensive in production than the iPhone 6s Plus. The most expensive single item is the touchscreen, which basically consists of two components: the panel and the touch layer. This information applies to the version with 32 GB of memory. The overall cost of iPhone 7s is estimated to be around $1,400

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Learn About the Best MacBook Accessories

magic mouse
Are you in the market for a new Apple laptop? If so, you may want to search through some of the best Apple laptop deals. Perhaps you’d rather find the most sought-after accessories, so you can start using your MacBook with ease and style. Visit your nearest MelroseINC location (an Apple premier partner) to see an ever-changing selection of mice, software, stands, keyboards and bags. Until you can visit in store, check out some of the top accessories on the market.

Aukey USB C Hub

Whether you’re on the go, at work or at home, you may have other Apple devices you want to hook up to your MacBook. The USB C Hub provides plenty of extra space, so you can connect all of your devices. The four USB 3.0 ports give you space for iPads, iPhones and flash drives. The additional HDMI port allows you to simultaneously hook up a second monitor, so you can watch movies on a bigger screen or give a presentation at work. Finally, the USB C port gives you a spot to charge your MacBook Pro at the same time.

Magic Mouse

If you’re over the touchpad on your MacBook, you may be looking for a wireless mouse. The Magic Mouse integrates multi-touch technology, which allows you to seamlessly interact with all of your Apple devices. So long as your MacBook has Bluetooth wireless technology, you will be able to use the new Magic Mouse, which makes it a great option whether you’re looking for MacBook Pro or MacBook Air accessories.

Maxoak 36,000 mAh Power Bank

When you have to take your computer on the go, it can be a hassle to find an available plug in. The Power Bank, however, gives you the option to charge your MacBook without the hassle of finding a place to plug in. The portable battery pack offers 36,000 mAh of capacity, which means you will be able to simultaneously charge your MacBook, iPhone, iPad and other devices if you need to. This device also comes with a carrying case you can use to store the batter pack.

Monday, July 10, 2017

When is the iPhone 8 coming out? Release date, price, rumoured features and ‘leaked photos’

iPhone 8 and Its Magnanimous – Revolutionary Release!

iPhones are such gadgets, which continue to hold the hit-list of almost all the individuals. Everyone wants to own an iPhone 8. What is the latest model launched by iPhone? Is a question which everyone looks forward to. There is a buzz in the market regarding the freshest model of iPhone, i.e., iPhone 8. Rumors regarding iPhone 8 are many plenty and everyone is awaiting this model to be launched in the market. The news is such that, this would be the most affordable model launched till date and that too with no compromise in terms of features or smartness.

Steven Milunovich, who is an analyst in global financial services, USB, claimed that the price of iPhone 8 would be same then that of iPhone 7. Generally, with every new launch, a hike in price along with features is expected, but this time the scenario would be a bit different. You will get a swoon of features and privileges of using an Apple’s product, but it would be in your budget. This news has left the expectators much more inquisitive regarding the unveiling of iPhone 8 as early as possible. Everyone is eagerly waiting to grab this affordable venture of Apple at its earliest.

The expected price is that the price of iPhone 8 will start from $850 which is subjected to change. Photos of the product has been leaked and all the gadget freaks are after every stunning angle ofthe product. The trendiest tech is about to bewilder all its expectators with its chastising look.

Apple has said to launch the gadget in September 2017, but the launch of the product is expected to be not before October 8 and this news is confirmed by Steven Milunovich.

Apple seems to believe in arousing interest among its buyers, and that is the reason why it has not disclosed all the features of the product. But some of the features are leaked which suggests that iPhone 8 will explore itself with a curved screen and 3D camera. These two features are enough to arouse interest even amongst those who are not much concerned about iPhone and its latest version.

Thus, iPhone 8 is again expected to bring a new revolution in the field of smartphones with its scintillating looks and extra-ordinary features. The launch will undoubtedly make everyone crazy that too in a much pocket friendly way. The revolution is sure to enrapt everyone. This time all who resisted themselves from buying iPhones because of its scorching price can now heave a sigh a relief and can expect to enjoy the privilege of holding the ultimate smartphone that too in its newest and trendiest model.

iPhone 8 will change the status quo associated with iPhones, where almost maximum will be able to live their dream of owning an iPhone. The news has created so much interest among the buyers that even a month of delay seems too much for them.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Tim Cook Confirms Apple's Focus on Self Driving Car


Self driving car: news, rumors, facts and information on iCar

Under the cover "Project Titan", Apple is researching an electric and self driving car. All information, rumors and pictures can be found here at

Apple's plans for self-propelled cars are now official - even if it remains unclear how far the iPhone Group wants to push into the business with the mobility of the future. Apple was given permission to test self driving car on public roads in California. The approval, made public on 14 April 2017 by the US traffic authority, is the clearest indication of the ambitions of the smartphone and computer manufacturer in the competitive future market for autonomous driving. Apple is the 30th company to which one has issued in the most populous US state such a license.

Strong competition

Although Apple's commitment to robotic self driving car has long been considered as an open secret, it has never been publicly confirmed by the Group itself. The clearest hint so far has been a letter to the US traffic authority NHTSA, in order to contribute to the guidelines for self driving car. Apart from that, it merely meant that mobility is an interesting future market.

Apple first started the development of its own electric vehicles up to first prototypes a few years ago, but the project then focused on robotic self driving car software. According to data from the traffic authority, the approval has now been issued for three converted Lexus SUVs. GoogleSEO for beginners also started with modified series cars before the Internet company sent its electric two-seater on its own.

Rivals such as Google's parent company Alphabet with its subsidiary Waymo, as well as major players from the automotive sector, such as Volkswagen, Daimler's Mercedes-Benz, Bosch, Ford, General Motors and Tesla, have long been permitted to test robotic cars in California. It was only recently that the transport authority was not able to test its self driving car without such permission, but the traffic authorities did not play along.

Although Apple's commitment to robotic cars has long been an open secret, the Group has not yet publicly confirmed it. The clearest hint so far has been a letter to the US traffic authority NHTSA, in order to contribute to the guidelines for self-propelled cars. Apart from that, it merely meant that mobility is an interesting future market.

Three test vehicles

Apple first started the development of its own electric vehicles up to first prototypes a few years ago, but the project then focused on self driving car software. According to data from the traffic authority, the group has now been granted approval for three converted Lexus SUVs. Google also started with modified series cars before the Internet company sent its electric two-seater on its own.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Leaks and rumours surrounding the new 10th-anniversary iPhone 8

Recently photos and information have leaked that appears to show that Apple is engaging in major overhauls involving their most famous product the Apple iPhone. Leaks appear to indicate that after spending years reiterating on the original iPhone design the iPhone 8 is going to be radically different from the phones that have come before.

The leaks come from a highly credible source named Steve Hemmerstoffer (Whose twitter username is @OnLeaks) He has said that these leaks are “sourced directly from the factory in charge of building the new iPhone”. Hemmerstoffer has worked with Tiger Mobile in the past and has proven to be a very credible source in the past. The leaked images show a very different style of phone. The iPhone 8's measurements will be, according to the leaks, 143.5 x 71 x 7.5 mm. These measurements would make the iPhone 8 appear very short for what is traditionally sold. Another feature is the protruding dual camera. This will perhaps make the phone slightly more difficult to use on flat surfaces as the uneven back will mean the phone will have trouble resting on flat surfaces. However, the massive 5.8-inch high-resolution display is a huge boon for the phone. There also seems to be space for the ios 11 function area. The edges also appear to be curved on both sides which are also a new design. Another feature is the lack of rear fingerprint scanner and physical home button. There does not appear to be any increase in battery size.

The other leak is sourced from a case maker named Olixar. Olixars leaks match up almost perfectly to Hemmerstoffer’s leaks. However, the size is slightly different with Olixar saying that the iPhone 8 will be 145 x 73 x 9mm. This leaker has previously correctly leaked the iPhone 7, Galaxy Note 7, Galaxy S8 and iPhone 8. Olixar is a retail partner with Mobile Fun and they have released videos showing off the official iPhone 8 case and screen projectors. This video even compares the iPhone 8 to the iPhone 7.

Other then these leaks there have been various rumours floating around about the iPhone 8. For example, there has been rumours that Apple is planning on using glass as its main material in the iPhone 8. This would greatly help them in their competition with Samsung as this would mean that Apple has discovered a way to put the handset's fingerprint beneath into the screen.

Another rumour has it that Apple is planning to deliver a handset with a wireless charging option. This is an option Samsung already provides. Apple had (allegedly) considered wireless charging for the iPhone 7 but in the end, it was not available upon release.

One interesting rumour is that the iPhone 8 will have a flexible plastic OLED display rather than an LCD display. This would mean the device would consume less power and offer a better display and possibly higher contrast ratios and more realistic colour. The iPhone 8 is also expected to be waterproof but may even improve upon previous iterations in its water resistance.

Internally the iPhone 8 is expected to have a 10-nanometer A11 chip this would mean that the iPhone 8 will be far faster and more battery efficient than previous models. Iris, Facial and gesture recognition are also rumoured to be included in the new Apple iPhone. 3d sensing capabilities have also been rumoured. However, it is important to note that none of these features have been confirmed by Apple or the leakers.

This new phone is a massive step forward for Apple. They are radically changing their traditional designs which could continue to their iPad and other products . This is most likely in an attempt to stay competitive in an increased competition driven market. The iPhone 8 will be facing up against the hotly anticipated Pixel 2 and it will be quite the clash of the titans to see who comes out on top in an ever increasingly saturated market. There is currently no release date announced for the Iphone 8 but it is expected to be officially announced very soon with a release date to follow shortly.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Apple Leak 'Confirms' iPhone 8 is Massive

Apple iPhone 8: Display with mega resolution

This year it has Apple has to celebrate the release of iPhone 8! This cries formally after a glorious keynote with features that the world has not yet seen. Especially Samsung has done with the Galaxy S8. As always, Apple remains silent, of course. Luckily there are the rumors and talkative suppliers: These sources provide daily information on the iPhone 8. When it comes? For mid-September, many Apple employees have received a holiday lock - this could be a hint.

And apropos Samsung Galaxy S8: A first comparison with Samsung's super smartphone is already there. The hitherto most pertinent reports: Foxconn employees have talked on reddit times really from the sewing box, a supplier has confirmed a wireless shop and first sharp pictures of the new iPhones have dived. bursts through the rumors and collects all news about the hottest smartphone of the year - the Apple iPhone 8.

All rumors about the iPhone 8:

June 23, 2017: Gigantic Resolution?

Forbes reports that the display of the iPhone 8 is not only huge but also extremely high resolution. According to the report, the upcoming Apple smartphone will offer 2800x1342 pixels. For comparison, the iPhone 7 Plus brings it to 1920x1080 pixels.

Behind such a resolution, however, is actually a plan stuck - because only for the display of existing apps the display would be completely overqualified. A new VR or AR function is therefore possible in combination with VR glasses - because at low resolutions one sees in this situation every pixel. If the rumors, the iPhone 8 could turn out to be a real VR-cracker

June 19, 2017: Protective glass confirms design

It seems safe: The iPhone 8 has (almost) no edge around the display. This is confirmed not only by all rumors almost in unison, but also manufacturers of accessories jump on the train. The British dealer MobileFun has offered a protective glass for the iPhone 8 for a few days. Although the device is not yet on the market, you are obviously sure that the thick edge only a small area for cameras and speakers remains. If we assume that the dealer does not produce the product for the ton, then the display of the iPhone 8 is really a real eye-catcher.

iPhone 8: Design

For three years, Cupertino has been content with the iPhone-6 design and only made tiny changes during this time. No wonder that there are now much more modern devices in the Android camp. Apple would, in any case, reduce the border - both at the sides as well as above and below. Because even if the iPhone 7 looks like a modern smartphone: the front shows too little display.

In addition to this, Twitter user KK Sneak Leaks uploaded pictures of the "finished" iPhone 8 and showed that the display shows the entire front face, the home button virtually disappears behind glass and distracts nothing from the screen. A similar theory is behind the dummy of Benjamin Geskin, which according to own data shows an (empty) model of Foxconn.

There is also no touch-ID sensor on the back and the display covers the entire front. The latest images are currently available at reddit and Geskin, both of which match the rumors so far: more front-panel display and a clean back. And the touch-ID sensor? This could actually wander in the power button if one looks at this patent.

iPhone 8: Hardware

As far as the hardware is concerned, the rumored kitchen simmers slowly. It is almost certain that Apple is again switching the processor and for the iPhone 8 with the Apple A11. This should be a 10-nanometer-FinFET-CPU, which uses less electricity due to its new architecture and works more efficiently. In the battle for minutes, the A11 would thus be an important building block - even if the batteries are reported to grow significantly.

With a new Logic Board, the iPhone-7-Plus battery should fit into the smaller case and the 5.5-inch model will provide even more power. Together with an OLED screen, a two-day running time seems to be within reach. To round off this idea, other rumors and the statement of an insider attest to the iPhone 8 finally also cable chargers. Like the Apple Watch, the rechargeable battery is also inductive. The memory of the iPhone 8 is still a maximum of 256 gigabytes.

Still a good news: Presumably, the outdated 32 gigabytes versions from the iPhone 8 are a thing of the past and the entry starts at 64 gigabytes. In terms of memory, it is probably at 3 gigabytes, however, iOS in everyday life has not yet shown by its sluggish side. Another exciting rumor: Forbes reported that the display resolution is huge 2800x1342 pixels - that would be more than twice as sharp, as is currently the case with the iPhone 7 Plus.

iPhone 8: Cameras

Main attention of a smartphone is generally the snaps. In the iPhone 7, Apple already installed the sometimes best mobile cameras on the market, the iPhone 8 is probably already something again. According to rumors, the cameras offer an optical image stabilization and may even allow 3D effects in photos. There should also be new developments in the arrangement of the lenses, which are in the iPhone 8 one under the other instead of next to each other - the at least a user claims on Twitter, which wants to upload real pictures. Other rumors confirm this regularly.

Has Apple for the Friends of Selfies on the iPhone 8 an ace in the sleeve - is it really a special feature? A new system consisting of three modules supports 3D capabilities that allow, for example, recordings for augmented or virtual reality (AR / VR) or iris unlocking. There are hardly any rumors about the megapixel number of both cameras; Fortunately, this idle discussion has now moved into the background.
Apple iPhone X: design study in retro style

iPhone 8 Connections: Does USB-C?

The "Wall Street Journal" wants to know from a well-informed source that Apple is thinking about a farewell to Lightning. Therefore, instead of a USB-C socket. Whether the change already on the iPhone 8 comes to bear, is questionable.

Only recently, the AirPods were released and put on Lightning as a charging port. Therefore it is probably - if at all - only at the iPhone 9 or iPhone 10 so far. Logically, the change would be nevertheless, because in particular users of several Apple devices, such as a MacBook Pro and an iPhone, do not currently have the possibility to use the included Lightning headphones also on the Mac - a mistake in the otherwise interlocking product range, not from Duration. On the other hand, internal sources say that it remains with Lightning.

iPhone 8 & 7S: How many iPhones will it be?

The fact that the iPhone 8 may appear as a very special smartphone, insiders and experts agree. Only under what designation Apple introduces the particularly expensive and noble mobile phone, the spirits separate. In addition to the iPhone 8, the names "Anniversary Edition" and "iPhone X" - both are references to the 10th anniversary of the brand. A Japanese website brings another option into play:

One wants to have found out that Apple the mobile phone under the label "iPhone Edition" issues. This is not a fake, but the most expensive version of the Apple Watch came with this name. Does Apple really release three smartphones, most of which customers do not want to have two? What would an iPhone 7S if there were the successor at the same time? Does this point remain unclear until the day of the keynote?

iPhone 8: Release

And when the new models come - when is it time? September, you should think. But other rumors start from two events this year. So the iPhone Edition is not to appear with the other two iPhone-7S models in the autumn, but by solo appearance at the end of the year, possibly in November. The reason for this may be that the development of the smartphone is not completed.

According to the report, Apple is still experimenting with several prototypes to find out which is best suited for mass production. These should include devices with LCD and AMOLED display as well as variants with aluminum, glass and ceramic housing.

BusinessInsider reports that the financial experts published a report starting from a 2018 release in early May. Based on the details of ValueWalk, the shift is as follows: Apple plans for the iPhone 8 numerous new functions and a fresh design. The parts for the assembly are however not available in sufficient number so that Apple is not able to build by the end of the year enough iPhones of the next generation. Instead, it gives the iPhone 7S, so more time to work on the iPhone 8. But can Apple really miss the anniversary? Probably would be an announcement in September despite all circumstances, but very long delivery times. So, everything is open.

iPhone 8: Price

That does not sound good at all. The Goldman Sachs analyst Simona Jankowski reports that the iPhone 8 could become the most expensive smartphone of the company's history. Keep it right, then the iPhone appears only with 128 GB or 256 GB, so that all entry-level variants were dropped. The prices of the devices count with 999 US dollar and 1.099 US dollar - that would be 25 percent surcharge! In the USA, the price for the entry-level model would, therefore, be the first time in the four-digit range. Currently, the iPhone 7 with 128 GB of memory there costs 749 US dollars. Applying the percentage price increases of the US dollar prices would be on the price tag of the iPhone 8 with 128 GB of memory an amount of approximately 1,100 euros.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Apple's New iPad-Pro in the Test: Tablet Power in Large Format

Even if the iPhone is significantly more popular: Apple is struggling to keep its tablet attractive. The iPad Pro gets a bigger display and more computing power for the AR and VR in the latest version. Reason enough for an update? Macmyth tested it.

One would think one day, Apple would start the ideas of how the iPad could become even better. After all, the CPU has been running at a much faster pace than normal users actually need. The display is also convincing: no other touchscreen on the tablet market can be seen more sharply and more responsively. And the battery holds for days. Admittedly, the speakers are poor. But this is mainly due to physics - where there is a lack of volume because the iPad has become too slim, Apple engineers can not do anything about.

So much more amazing, however, that Apple has nevertheless succeeded in improving the iPad Pro in its latest version significantly. This starts with the display: so far, Apple and most buyers in the 9.7-inch screen of the predecessor model looked the perfect size for a tablet that was just 435 grams. Now the developers have accommodated more screen space in the same housing: With the new iPad Pro, the display measures 10.5 inches in the diagonal (about 26.7 centimeters), and who are looking for an even larger screen can go to the model with 12.9 inches diagonal (About 32.8 centimeters).

In addition, the already fast-paced processor with the A10X Fusion chip has, even more, computing power - not for Netflix, but for the age of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). This also benefits the touchscreen. Even the previous iPad Pro convinced with its rich contrast, bright and low-reflection screen. The new display is one more thing, doubling the refresh rate - the so-called refresh rate.

This may sound like developer gibberish, but it is important to understand that a refresh rate of 120 hertz means that the image is updated 120 times per second. And the more often the image is built, the fewer jerks are shown in fast movements.

The improvement of the hardware is also shown when working with the Apple Pencil. My (lousy) characters and the (hasty) writing of notes felt more natural because there was no disturbing delay. This is certainly due to the shorter response times of the display, but also to the ability of the iPad Pro to be one step ahead of its users: the handwriting of most people is in the same direction and short pauses in writing. Apple is trying to deduce how the next hand movement might look - and if necessary, to correct itself in the blink of an eye. This works remarkably well: For me, the writing with the Apple Pencil on the screen felt like on paper.

In terms of the display, the diagonal of 10.5 inches proves to be perfect for users and developers: the high resolution of 2224x1668 pixels ensures a sharp image impression and allows the iPad to adapt each app independently to the iPad-Pro display; Neither the developers have to intervene, nor is it due to conversions to faded images.

The 10.5 inch diagonal also means plenty of space for the embedded keyboard when the iPad is transversal and fills the bottom half of the screen. It comes almost from the size of a conventional laptop keyboard. For my taste, writing on a hardware keyboard like Apple's Smart Keyboard or similar keyboards from third-party vendors is still much more pleasant. It just feels strange to pan on the glass when the iPad is crosswise.

The fact that Apple has succeeded in accommodating a larger screen in the same housing is one of the least dramatic improvements for me. Clear: It looks good, and the increase in the display area is unmistakable. But we are not where we really want to go. Also, the new iPad Pro is just an intermediate step between past.

At least the increase in display size brings no disadvantages with it. The iPad Pro never confused my grasping hands with a deliberate finger tap, and it did not happen that my fingers suddenly caught sight of the view or were otherwise in the way. And that more screen size also means more fingerprints, which have to be wiped off from time to time, was clear anyway - every tablet after a few minutes is greasy. Since the iPad Pro is no exception.

At the Apple developer conference at the beginning of June, programmers had a nice surprise. With ARKit, it would be easy to develop augmented reality applications for iOS devices in the future. At the conference, Apple executives introduced a rousing AR game and built a scene for Star Wars - before all eyes on the stage. Almost everyone involved held iPads in their hands: A display that is so great is the perfect window into the world of Augmented Reality, explained to me later one of the Apple managers.

In the iPad Pro, the same camera module as in the iPhone 7 - but is not intended for best snapping.

That's why the iPad Pro now features the same camera module as in the iPhone 7 - but not so that you can stretch the tablet at the concert to take photos from the audience and take everyone's view. But to get a better view of the other side of the world with the camera and screen, through the iPad, which can enrich all recordings with information.

Sure, the software team lags a whole few months behind. The new iPad Pro - like all iPads - will be able to take full advantage of such advances with iOS 11. The update of the software is announced for the fall and promises abundant new features, including many, which so far has never been mentioned in the same breath with the iPad.

This includes a built-in file management (similar to the Finder on the Mac) and the ability to drag and drop files back and forth between apps, but also for data exchange between different apps. Also, the dock should grow, so more app icons fit in. This is especially important for anyone who wants to use an iPad as an alternative to the laptop. And when iOS 11 is available then we should all want the largest screen we can only get.

At the moment, the wide-screen display makes little difference in the new iPad Pro. Just because there is suddenly more space, do not automatically grow your ideas, and nothing changes with the iPad. But wait and see: I've been able to play around with iOS 11 a bit, and I have to say it feels like a giant step towards the "computer for all purposes," to which Apple would like to make the iPad.

What would be the standard question that arises in every meeting: Is the purchase worthwhile? If you're looking for a new iPad - definitely! Probably no Apple tablet was ever as versatile as this new iPad Pro. The 12.9-inch version is similarly recommended, but feels more like a desktop device, not necessarily like something to take away. The outdated iPad Mini is probably just before its end, so better not buy more. Also, if you have an iPad, which is still working fast, do not necessarily have to access.

If there are cracks in the display, apps start to get lame, or if you're just stunned to stare at too much housing around the touch screen, there's the regular iPad (recently updated, from $446), Which is very suitable for videos or gaming. Or the iPad Pro, which costs from $815 and becomes the best tablet you have ever used. (In addition, if necessary USD122 for the Pencil and USD133 for the Magic Keyboard.) Either way, despite dropping iPad sales, Apple is doing everything to be a device that has long been among the best in its class, still a thing of beauty.

PRO: A larger display can never hurt, and this not only reacts faster but also provides a better picture. // Very long battery life of several days. // Very fast processor. // In conjunction with iOS 11, the iPad becomes a full-fledged computer.

CON: At least USD815 for the basic variant with only 64 GB of memory is quite expensive. In addition, there are extra costs for accessories such as an external keyboard or the Apple Pencil. // The XL display will only pay off properly when iOS 11 is available (probably in autumn 2017).