Monday, February 24, 2020

All Glass- iPhone on the Cards?

All Glass- iPhone on the Cards?

A recent research conducted by Apple details an all- glass iPhone. This so called “display” will show icons, information as well as images. With the all- Glass iPhone the entire surface will be touch sensitive. With phones there is always the need to hold it in the right orientation. The mouth piece goes down and the speaker up. But with a glass surface this need not be the case.

No Right or Wrong Orientation with Apples New All- Glass iPhone: 

Today to use Face ID you’d have to hold your phone in just the right position lest it does not work. Or to call someone too it is the same. You’re not going to hold the mouth piece to your head, right? But with the new iPhone on the cards, perhaps, all this will be in the past.

There will be no right or wrong orientation but just anything you please. The newly patented phone will reportedly have a 6 faced glass enclosure. It’s not definite as of now but it is assumed that the major portion will display the majority of controls and other icons. This may be true as you’d need to have easy access to certain apps and such.

An All Glass- iPhone Enclosure: 

At present all phones these days use the glass component as a looking glass from which you can see and access various apps. But with the all new all- glass iPhone, the glass will be an all- round enclosure. The way it will be made will be so seamless as to suggest it is made from a single piece of glass.

Besides there being an aesthetic purpose to the all- glass iPhone it will also be more functional that today’s phones.

Functional and not just merely for looks? 

The all glass facade will make the iPhone more functional. How you might say? The phone will then have multiple displays with both the front, back and sides of the phone being displays. With that also comes touch sensitivity. The phone will now be touch sensitive all round. This thus makes for a very functional phone. It will be interesting to see what Apple comes up with in this regard.

So what Happens to the All Glass- iPhone Buttons? 

The buttons that now find a place on the iPhone may be replaced with all glass. The new displays could work in such ways so as to allow a person to use the surface instead, to say, mute or control the volume. According to various reports Apple is also planning on using the side displays to show app information. Such information could include stock related info and weather information.

As for the wall paper, it will supposedly go around right from the front to the sides, more like a gift wrap I guess.

Apple also says that anything displayed on one side can be displayed on the other sides of the glass facade as well. This gives you more of the seamless impression that they are intending to make.

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